Volunteer Opportunities
Parent participation is essential for the health and functioning of our school. There are several ways to volunteer your time, energy, and skills at SBS. One way to participate is to join one of the following Parent Council or Administrative committees (described below). Parents also volunteer in the classrooms (e.g., reading groups, class projects, class plays), as well as chaperoning field trips. Please reach out to your child's teacher and let them know if you are interested.
Parent Council Fundraising Committees:
The fundraising coordinator, a member of the Parent Council, maintains the master schedule of the various Parent Council and class fundraising activities. This person works with Administration, Faculty Council, and Parent Council to determine fundraising needs each year.
Parent Council focuses its fundraising efforts on three primary events:
Enchanted Village Faire (EVF) Committee
Enchanted Village Faire is a family-oriented outreach and fundraising event at SBS. This committee develops every aspect of this fall faire, including setting dates, advertising, vendors, class booths, village shoppe, volunteers, and achieving the fundraising goals.
Wine Country Auction Committee
Our online Auction generally takes place in January or February. This committee curates item donations from the SBS community and beyond and distributes these items at the end of the auction.
Fun-A-Thon Committee
In the spring of each year, we host an A-thon. During odd years, the event is a Fun-Run. In even years, it is a Read-A-Thon. The team sets up individual student pages for online pledge contributions and awards classes with the highest participation. The committee may also work with local businesses for sponsorship.
Parent Council Standing Committees:
Festivals Committee
The Festival Committee organizes, creates and implements a festival life for the school. It works closely with the faculty to provide meaningful and enlivened celebrations for the children and parents. Grades 1-8 each have a parent representative to oversee individual class festival participation. School festivals provide an opportunity for our school community to join together in wonderful seasonal celebrations. With full participation, our festivals are truly remarkable and give a great sense of unity within the school community.
Hospitality Committee
The hospitality coordinator is responsible for organizing hospitality-related functions. This may include providing refreshments and entertainment for school functions and faculty meals, snacks for students during testing, and coordination of housing and transportation needs for out-of-town visitors to the school.
Outreach Committee
This committee coordinates outreach opportunities to promote the school to prospective families, as well as welcoming new families to the school through our Buddy Program. Outreach opportunities occur throughout the school year.
Parent Education Committee
This team along with faculty members develops the list of speakers, creates flyers and newsletter articles and coordinates with presenters to host a series of parent education evenings throughout the school year.
This committee collects photos and student artwork that represent student life for the school year, to design, publish and sell a school yearbook to create lasting memories for our SBS families.
Konstella Administration
A team of parents will ensure the SBS community is aware of and knows how to use Konstella, our parent contact and volunteer website/app. This team will be responsible for ensuring the calendar stays up-to-date and all parents have the opportunity to use Konstella. The committee will respond to parent questions/requests and make announcements, sign-ups, and sales sheets as requested by PC and faculty.
Parent Social Committee
This is a team of parents whose purpose is to organize social events for the parent community.
Chicken Coop and Garden Committee
This group of parents helps with the poultry and farming care at the school (mainly Third Grade families).
administrative Committees:
Diversity Task Force
This task force discusses and strategizes best practices for meeting goals with regards to SBS community diversity, equity, and inclusion. Members include the Executive Director and representatives from the parent body and faculty. Student representatives may also participate when needed. Stone Bridge School's Statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion can be found here.
School Safety Committee
The goal of the safety committee is to ensure that adequate and functioning systems are in place to keep our children and the staff as safe as possible at school. The areas of focus include: playground equipment, emergency drills, parking, pick-up/drop-off protocols, and emergency provisions.
Charter Council Representative
One Parent Council representative is voted to serve a 2-year term on Charter Council as a voting member and to act as a liaison to Parent Council.
Hiring Committee
This mandated administrative committee is made of representatives from our school councils and Administration, including one representative elected from Parent Council and one at-large parent representative elected by the school parents. This committee holds regular meetings, usually in the second half of the school year, to seek out and interview qualified applicants to fill teaching positions at the school.