A shelf of dress-up clothes and accessories

How to Apply

Stone Bridge School – a school of choice

As a public, independent charter school, SBS is considered a ‘school of choice,’ providing an alternative option to other public schools within the Napa Valley Unified School District.  

Schools of choice are considered non-boundary, which means that they do not use an address to determine priority.  Students are enrolled in Stone Bridge School on a space-available basis.  All students residing in California may apply for admission to SBS.  Students are selected randomly by lottery during our Open Enrollment period each year.

The school shall not discriminate against any student on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, perceived orientation, home language, or disability, nor shall it charge tuition.


Our Open Enrollment period for the 25/26 school year ran from January 21, 2025 to 4:00pm on February 14, 2025, and applications received during that window were included in our open enrollment lottery on January 27, 2025.

We are now accepting post-open enrollment applications. If you are interested in applying for our program, please fill out our Enrollment Interest Form here:

Enrollment Interest Form for 25/26

enrollment requirements:

Proof of Residency 

Proof of Residency is required for enrollment.

enrollment priority

Students are enrolled in Stone Bridge School according to the following priority protocol:  

  1. Students currently enrolled in SBS
  2. Children of teachers (lead and subject) and staff who work 20 or more hours per week
  3. Siblings of SBS students currently enrolled for the lottery school year (25/26) (Siblings include children living in the same household who share at least one parent, step-parent, or guardian).
  4. Applicants who are not included in the above categories but reside within the Napa Valley Unified School District
  5. All other applicants who are California residents but are not included in the above categories

age assignments for 2025-2026 School Year enrollment  

Students are placed in the appropriate class lottery based on the following grade level-birthdate guidelines.

Grade Level - Birthdate Guidelines

immunization requirements 

SBS adheres to immunization requirements as set forth by the California Department of Public Health. See below: